Using TPC-H tools to Create Test Data for AWS Redshift and AWS EMR

If you need to test out your big data tools below is a useful set of scripts that I have used in the past for aws emr and redshift the below might be helpful:

install git
 sudo yum install make git -y
 install the tpch-kit
 git clone
 cd tpch-kit/dbgen
 sudo yum install gcc -y
 Compile the tpch kit
 make OS=LINUX
 Go home
 cd ~
 Now make your emr data
 mkdir emrdata
 Tell tcph to use the this dir
 export DSS_PATH=$HOME/emrdata
 cd tpch-kit/dbgen
 Now run dbgen in verbose mode, with tables (orders), 10gb data size
 ./dbgen -v -T o -s 10
 move the data to a s3 bucket
 cd $HOME/emrdata
 aws s3api create-bucket -- bucket andrewbakerbigdata --region af-south-1 --LocationConstraint=af-south-1
 aws s3 cp $HOME/emrdata s3://andrewbakerbigdata/emrdata --recursive
 cd $HOME
 mkdir redshiftdata
 Tell tcph to use the this dir
 export DSS_PATH=$HOME/redshiftdata
 Now make your redshift data
 cd tpch-kit/dbgen
 Now run dbgen in verbose mode, with tables (orders), 40gb data size
 ./dbgen -v -T o -s 40
 These are big files, so lets find out how big they are and split them
 Count lines
 cd $HOME/redshiftdata
 wc -l orders.tbl
 Now split orders into 15m lines per file
 split -d -l 15000000 -a 4 orders.tbl orders.tbl.
 Now split line items
 wc -l lineitem.tbl
 split -d -l 60000000 -a 4 lineitem.tbl lineitem.tbl.
 Now clean up the master files
 rm orders.tbl
 rm lineitem.tbl
 move the split data to a s3 bucket
 aws s3 cp $HOME/redshiftdata s3://andrewbakerbigdata/redshiftdata --recursive

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