If you see the error “The capture session could not be initiated on the device “en0″ (You don’t have permission to capture on that device)” when trying to start a pcap on wireshare you can try installing ChmodBPF; but I suspect you will need to follow the steps below:
$ whoami
$ cd /dev
/dev $ sudo chown superman:admin bp*
$ ls -la | grep bp
crw------- 1 cp363412 admin 0x17000000 Jan 13 21:48 bpf0
crw------- 1 cp363412 admin 0x17000001 Jan 14 09:56 bpf1
crw------- 1 cp363412 admin 0x17000002 Jan 13 20:57 bpf2
crw------- 1 cp363412 admin 0x17000003 Jan 13 20:57 bpf3
crw------- 1 cp363412 admin 0x17000004 Jan 13 20:57 bpf4
/dev $
Fantastic, worked for me on the first try. Thank you very much.
I do not use WireShark regularly but whe I do I NEED it!
Thank you Andrew for your fix of my ‘The capture session could not be initiated on capture device “en0” (You don’t have permission to capture on that device)’
Regards, Dave
This really should be top of the list in Google results!
Fixed my issue in a jiffy.