How to trigger Scaling Events using Stress-ng Command

If you are testing how your autoscaling policies respond to CPU load then a really simple way to test this is using the “stress” command. Note: this is a very crude mechanism to test and wherever possible you should try and generate synthetic application load.


# DESCRIPTION: After updating from the repo, installs stress-ng, a tool used to create various system load for testing purposes.
yum update -y
# Install stress-ng
sudo apt install stress-ng

# CPU spike: Run a CPU spike for 5 seconds
stress-ng --cpu 4 --timeout 5s --metrics-brief

# Disk Test: Start N (2) workers continually writing, reading and removing temporary files:
stress-ng --disk 2 --timeout 5s --metrics-brief

# Memory stress test
# Populate memory. Use mmap N bytes per vm worker, the default is 256MB. 
# You can also specify the size as % of total available memory or in units of 
# Bytes, KBytes, MBytes and GBytes using the suffix b, k, m or g:
# Note: The --vm 2 will start N workers (2 workers) continuously calling 
# mmap/munmap and writing to the allocated memory. Note that this can cause 
# systems to trip the kernel OOM killer on Linux systems if not enough 
# physical memory and swap is not available
stress-ng --vm 2 --vm-bytes 1G --timeout 5s

# Combination Stress
# To run for 5 seconds with 4 cpu stressors, 2 io stressors and 1 vm 
# stressor using 1GB of virtual memory, enter:
stress-ng --cpu 4 --io 2 --vm 1 --vm-bytes 1G --timeout 5s --metrics-brief

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