High Performance Timer

Below is a sample class containing a high performance timer. Example usuage:

PerformanceTimer pf = new PerformanceTimer(true);

float timeMs = pf.GetTimeMs();

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

/// This class can be used to gather accurate performance timings.
public class PerformanceTimer

internal static extern bool QueryPerformanceCounter(ref long lpPerformanceCount);

internal static extern bool QueryPerformanceFrequency(ref long lpFrequency);

#region Private Variables

private bool _isRunning = false;
private long _startTime = 0;
private long _frequency = 0;
private float _elapsed = 0;

#endregion Private Variables

#region Constructors

/// Default constructor - does not start timer immediately.
public PerformanceTimer()


/// Constructor with option to start timer at same time.
///Whether to start timer immediately.

public PerformanceTimer(bool startTimer)


    if (startTimer)




#endregion Constructors

#region Public Properties

/// Returns True if the timer is currently running.
/// To change the running state use the Start and Stop methods provided.

public bool IsRunning
    get { return _isRunning; }

#endregion Public Properties

#region Public Methods

/// Starts the performance timer running.

public void Start()

    QueryPerformanceFrequency(ref _frequency);
    QueryPerformanceCounter(ref _startTime);
    _elapsed = 0;
    _isRunning = true;


/// Stops the performance timer running.

public void Stop()


    // Call procedure that will set internal elapsed variable, then turn running flag off.


    _isRunning = false;



/// Returns the time elapsed since "Start" was called (in seconds). If the timer

/// is not running the time elapsed between the last start and stop time is returned.


/// A float representing the time ellapsed (in seconds)

public float GetTime()


    if (_isRunning)
        long endTime = 0;
        QueryPerformanceCounter(ref endTime);
        _elapsed = (float)(endTime - _startTime) / _frequency;
        return _elapsed;
        return _elapsed;

/// Returns the time elapsed since "Start" was called (in milliseconds). If the timer
/// is not running the time elapsed between the last start and stop time is returned.
/// A float representing the time ellapsed (in milliseconds)

public float GetTimeMs()

    if (_isRunning)
        return GetTime() * 1000;
        return _elapsed * 1000;



/// Override ToString to display time nicely formatted.
/// Returns the time formatted as a string.

public override string ToString()

    return String.Format("{0:0000.000}s ", GetTime());
#endregion Public Methods


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